Hello plant fantastic!

Plants and veggies. Boring. Woah, No! They’re delicious.
But it’s what you do with them that counts. That’s where we come in. Our Cauldron is bursting with tasty plant possibilities. A pinch here. A seasoning there. A mash of this. A dash of that. Slice. Stir. Bamboozle.
Not magic. But pretty close. Want delicious? Dive in!
Plant a smacker
Plants, veggies, and a whole heap of herbs and spices. Careful concoctions. Delightful bite-ables. We make it easy to enjoy the best of plants and veggies, every mouthwatering time.
We’re chilling here
This is where you’ll find us.

Hungry for ideas?
Fancy an Indian? Thai? Peruvian? Our recipes take inspiration from every nation. Veggie or vegan, quick hits or fancy plants creations, we’ve got you. Take a bite… and another!